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Music Production Guide 2025 | 02

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Yamaha Celebrates International Women's Day Showcasing the Voices of Women in the Music Industry and Yamaha's Initiatives

Based on its commitment to contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through its business, Yamaha Corporation actively supports the mission of the Unstereotype Alliance led by UN Women and has been a member of its Japan National Chapter since December 2020.

Yamaha Group Selected in Prestigious "A List" for Climate Change by CDP for the Second Consecutive Year

Yamaha Corporation has been recognized for leadership in corporate sustainability by CDP, an international environmental non-profit organization, as a "CDP 2024 Climate Change A List" company for its proactive initiatives and transparency regarding climate change.


Erweitere dein DTX6-, DTX8- oder DTX10-Drum-Set durch eine Aktualisierung deines DTX-PRO- oder DTX-PROX-Drum-Moduls auf die neueste Software-Version 2.1.

Die Live-Szene braucht dich!

Yamaha sucht eine erstklassige Liveband für eine bekannte Künstlerin...