MMP1 Tutorial Video
In this tutorial video series, Ashley will guide you through the process of setting up and using the Yamaha MMP1 studio monitor management system, featuring comprehensive monitor control, flexible bass management, post production recording support, full-feature channel processing, precision filters for speaker calibration, GPI for custom applications and more.
1. Introducing the Yamaha MMP1
Modern audio production studios have moved entirely "in-the-box", which leads the problem of how to control various speaker systems, headphone cues and talkback communication. Introducing the new Yamaha MMP1 studio monitor management system, a one-stop solution for "in-box" studios.
2. Layout and Connections
Let's take a look at the layout and connections of the MMP1.
3. MMP1 Editor and MMP1 Controller
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to connect MMP1 Editor and MMP1 Controller to the actual MMP1 hardware.
4. Channel Strips for Recording
The channel strips in the MMP1 can be used for recording. They have high-quality DSP processing for EQ, compression, as well as standard console features such as input trim and phase invert.
5. Setup Wizard
In this MMP1 tutorial, we will show you how to use Setup Wizard to create the first preset that will configure the MMP1 so you can use it with various speaker systems and monitor sources, cue sends, talkback microphones etc.
6. Scene Store and Recall
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to store a scene, and then recall that scene from inside the MMP1 Editor, on the MMP1 Controller and also on the front panel.
7. Bass Management
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to set up a bass management system for 5.1 speaker setup.
8. Speaker Management
The MMP1 has a complete speaker management page that allows you to adjust the trim level, the delay time of any individual speaker channel as well as 6-band EQ. If you are doing any room correction EQ or applying x-curve for theatrical mixing, the MMP1 has this facility.
9. User Assignable Buttons
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to set up User Assignable buttons in the Editor software.
10. Talkback Routings
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you the talkback system. The talkback system is quite flexible which allows you to route multiple talkback mics to multiple locations, all in different configurations.
11. Creating Monitor Sources
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to create an external input. Once you have already had your initial setup by using the Setup Wizard, you might want to add another monitor source.
12. Creating Cue Mixes
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to use the channel strips along with the cue sources to create a cue mix for headphones for talent used in studio.
13. FIR and IIR Filters
In this MMP1 tutorial video, we will show you how to switch the bass management filters from IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) to FIR (Finite Impulse Response) type filters.
14. Cough Mute
The MMP1 features a Cough Mute function. What Cough Mute is used for is, when an announcer or spokesperson need to cough or talk off mic during live broadcast, a remote controller connected to MMP1 gives the person the ability to mute their own microphone.
15. Access Privileges
The MMP1 allows several levels of access privileges to the unit so that you can restrict various settings and various control from different people depending on what their job is.

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